Because WE CARE…
Our Sustainability Pillars

Our efforts aim to create a sustainable future for all.

Planet doesn’t have a replacement and we dedicate to protecting it. We encourage drinking with reduced waste, as the first Hong Kong beverage manufacturer to create a rPET recycling network and a circular economy. We also educate next generations to build a greener future via school programmes.



Our priority is the well-being of everyone.

People are the most valued asset we have. We are committed to providing a safe, healthy and discrimination-free environment for all staff. We support the community by sponsoring various sports activities and donating masks and water during the pandemic. Whatever we do is to build a better society for you and me.



Our goal is to provide you high-quality products for a healthier life.

We genuinely care about our customers. With utmost dedication, we ensure that our water undergoes a rigorous process at 105°C to guarantee the purest quality for our customers. Guided by scientific principles, we strive for development and introduction new products and formulas that are rich in nutrients, low in sugar, and safe.


Minimize environmental impact by encouraging the reduced use of disposable products
  • Promote the use of Water Dispenser and Carboy for indoor occasions & sponsorship
  • Provide larger pack size to avoid one-off disposal
  • Water Refill Machine to reduce on-the-go consumption of bottle packaging

  • Sponsored over 160 events in 2019
  • Sponsored carboy water to reduce almost 500K plastic bottles* in 2019
Redesign for sustainability

We are the first beverage brand in Hong Kong to launch 100% recycled plastic (rPET) bottle design since year 2015. The initiative is to serve consumers who need bottled water for outdoor consumption with less waste. To facilitate the recycling of bottles after consumption, the design of bottle has included an easy tear-off for enhancing the recycling convenience. Bottle recycling experience could then be simplified to engage the public with the “easy-to-recycle” concept.


We have redesigned the core Watsons Water Hong Kong retail range* with progressive changes in choice of packaging material:

  • Clear water bottle design
    Watsons Water had introduced the application of clear and transparent PET bottle body since the 1980s. The bottle material had been recognised by the industry with its precious and unique value in recycling as it is colourless.
  • Adhesive free
    Unlike the majority of other water bottles, Watsons Water’s bottle label had been attached to the bottle with adhesive-free technology since 1980s#.
  • 100% rPET for water bottles
    Since 2015, Watsons Water managed to become the first beverage company in Hong Kong to launch the rPET initiative in order to save plastic bottles from being disposed.
  • rPET for bottle sleeve
    Since 2019, rPET has been incorporated in the production of bottle sleeve, which could reduce in use of PVC in making bottle sleeve.

* This includes our Watsons Water 8L, 4.5L, 1.8L, 1.25L, 800ml, 620ml, 430ml and 280ml pure distilled and mineral water range.
# Except for 8L and 4.5L bottle - due to the size of the bottle and our sleeve does not wrap around the entire bottle to save on plastic

Encourage recycling of bottles for collection

Watsons Water had launched a cross-sector bottle recycling network in Hong Kong since 2019, including a new system of Smart Bottle Reverse Vending Machine (RVM). A network of RVM had been set up in among different premises. The recovery of plastic bottles has then become digitalized and more user-friendly, through recycling of used plastic bottles with RVM installed at retail, shopping mall, property, school and in the community.

  • Smart activation of recycling:
    In February 2019, Watson Water being the first beverage company in Hong Kong had started to deploy and operate a smart beverage bottle recycling system. The system includes the use of RVM (namely Watsons Water Recycling Green Point) that provides incentives for bottle return, supported by a network of partners across different sectors. Our partners include property company, malls, retail shops, school, athletic event, social enterprise and recycling solution provider. We achieved a further breakthrough in July 2019, by being the first RVM in the market to offer cash rebate scheme for beverage bottle return via Watsons Water CRM program “Drops of Fun” and AlipayHK, enabling instant cash rebate for RVM users.
  • Refill as an alternative:
    Watsons Water had launched Water Refilling Machines (WRM, namely Watsons Water Refill Green Point) at several public locations since February 2019, providing alternative options for consumers to develop a waste-free drinking habit beside using RVMs.

Encourage rPET usage for a new reason

To align with the long-term vision of bottle-to-bottle manufacturing, collection of plastic bottles in the community is our top priority. Through collaboration with different partners, including school and brand from various sectors, education to consumers is enhanced through promoting the multiple possibilities from recycled bottles.

  • New Guinness World Record
    In mid-2019, Watson Water was successful in setting a new Guinness World Record with students from Kau Yan School in Hong Kong, by organising the world largest terrarium making class through upcycling of the plastic water bottle. The event successfully linked recycling with creativity, further empowering behaviour change in the younger generation.
  • rPET Fashion from Used Bottles
    In 2020, Watsons Water had collaborated with CHOCOOLATE to set up RVM in flagship stores to engage eco-friendly shoppers and create circular economy, launching a new recycled PET fashion line with the use of recycled Watsons Water plastic bottles.

“Give a Smile” Campaign

With the purpose to put a smile on customers’ faces, A.S. Watson Group launched its first-ever global signature CSR programme “Give a Smile” in 2018. Partnered with Operation Smile, “Give a Smile” campaign has funded surgery for over 4,000 children with cleft palate or cleft lip, giving them new smiles and fresh hope. The Group targets to restore 10,000 perfect smiles by providing free surgeries to kids with cleft lips and palates by 2030.

Watsons Hong Kong, as one of the A.S. Watson retail brands, has joined hands together to support this campaign, enabling children with cleft palate or cleft lip to smile for the first time. Join us and Give a Smile!


About Operation Smile

Operation Smile revolutionised cleft surgery globally in 1982. As one of the largest surgical volunteer-based nonprofits, Operation Smile has improved the health and dignity of patients with cleft conditions, helping them to better breathe, eat, speak and live lives of greater quality and confidence by providing them life-changing surgeries.